Thursday, December 10, 2015

Final days!

In preparation for the final on Friday remember the following. 

1. Finish all of their work 
(this includes surface treatment, waxing, patina etc)

2. Bring everything to the market house before 9:00 so you will have setup time. 
(including their sketch books/possibly models/hammers etc)

3. Bring a board or something to put your work on for display 
(foam core/matte board...something)

4. Have a short blurb on the work if you need it as back up 
(maybe on a index card or typed on a half sheet to put near the board)

5. Two hammers that you dressed
 (forging and raising)

6. The three projects from my class 
(the spoon, the nesting bowls and the pitchers and cup)

7. The work for Johan's class

8. Dress your stakes

9. Clean the studio!!!!!  This is required.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


I finally soldered on the spout to our little demo teapot. I had to tack it on and then close the gap with the snarling iron which worked VERY well. I then flooded the seam with solder and used the polishing/grinding wheels to grind it back. It took a couple rounds of soldering, smithing, pickling, cleaning, soldering, smithing pickling but it worked! I will show it to you all in class on Thursday. See you soon.